In C #, how can I replace &?

I am getting a line in my C # code that comes from some javascript serialization and I see a bunch of lines like this:

  Peanut Butter \u0026 Jelly


I tried to do this:

  string results  = resultFromJsonSerialization();
  results = results.Replace("\u0026", "&");
  return results;


and I expect this to change to:

 Peanut Butter & Jelly


but it doesn't seem to be a replacement. What is the correct way to do this replacement in C #?


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2 answers

mark it as literal

results.Replace(@"\u0026", "&");




You can use the Regex Unescape () method.

  string results  = resultFromJsonSerialization();
  results = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape(results);
  return results;


You can also use the server utility to encode HTML.

  results = ControllerContext.HttpContext.Server.HtmlDecode(results);




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