How can I use the output of an external command as an argument for tabnew?

In mine .bashrc

, I have the following short script to get the current date.

D(){ date +'%F'; }


In mine .vimrc

, I have the following two lines to do this so that I can use this function.

set shell=bash\ --login
set shellcmdflag=-ic


I have tested that the function works in vim

by checking that the following command will buffer the current date.

:r !D


However, I would like to use the output of this bash function as an argument for tabnew

so that I can open a file named current date in a new tab.

:tabnew !D


Unfortunately, the behavior of this command is to create a new tab with a literal filename !D

isntead of the output.

How can I get the output of an external command as an argument tabnew



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1 answer

The Backtick extension can be used to insert the output of external commands into Vim commands, usually as arguments:

:tabnew `date +'\%F'`



:tabnew `D`


Cm :help backtick-expansion




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