ES6: Accessing Variable Classes from within a Method with _this_

Let's say I have a class in ES6 like this:

export default class myClass{
    constructor () {
        this.logCount = 0

    log (msg) {
        console.log(this.logCount + " - " + msg)


Why this.logCount

in log()

undefined, if I speak to him? What am I missing here?


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1 answer

It turned out that the problem was in the context of using the method log()


export default class myClass{
    constructor () {
        this.logCount = 0

    openSocket() {
        let mySocket = new WebSocket('wss:/.../...')
        // wrong: because you loose the this-context
        // mySocket.onopen= this.log
        // correct:
        mySocket.onopen= ((evt) => {this.log(evt)})

    log (msg) {
        console.log(this.logCount + " - " + msg)


Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions!



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