Postgis - one environment contains another

I am using postgis with gps data and am trying to figure out if one circle with GPS coordinate and radius (in meters) contains another.

I can do this if I don't use GPS coordinates, but just points on the graph, but it doesn't work if I replace the lat and lon points:

-- A circle within a circle
SELECT ST_Contains(bigc,smallc) As bigcontainssmall
FROM (SELECT ST_Buffer(ST_MakePoint(21, 38)::geography, 40) As smallc,
         ST_Buffer(ST_MakePoint(21, 39)::geography, 400) AS bigc) foo;




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1 answer

My approach:

  • Assign CRS (Coordinate Reference System) to gps data (I assume it is in WGS84, so srid 4326) via SRID ( ST_SetSRID(your_geom, 4326)

    does this)
  • Then (maybe only if you assigned srid 4326) cast them to geography ( ::geography

    does this) to enable the buffer setting in meters,
  • And put them back in geometry ( ::geometry

    does this) for a function st_contains

    to work


    SELECT ST_Contains(bigc::geometry,smallc::geometry) as bigcontainssmall 
from (select 
st_buffer(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-71.10434, 42.31506),4326)::geography,40) as smallc,
st_buffer(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-71.10434, 42.31507),4326)::geography,400) as bigc) foo




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