How can angularjs check if ng-model is string or number value?

I have a java script in angular, if the textbox value is undefined or empty, this is fine and it works,

$scope.checkNumber = function(user_answer){
	if(user_answer == undefined){
	  return false;					

Run code

But my next question is how to make a function check if the value is a string or a number and returns a boolean. I don't know the correct syntax for the angular java script, can anyone help me solve my problem?


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2 answers

You can do it the angular way using angular helper functions:

$scope.checkNumber = function(user_answer){
      return false;                 
    if(angular.isString(user_answer)) {
       //return boolean
    if(angular.isNumber(user_answer)) {
       //return boolean




try it

function check(text){     
 return typeof text ==="number";




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