Using MATLAB Notation to Set Multiple Properties Simultaneously

Recently, MATLAB has been activating handles to use dot notation to set properties.




now maybe

plotLeft(1).Marker = 'o';


Can I use this new dot notation to set multiple fields at once. Below is the sample code below:

clc; clear all;
x = logspace(-3,0,100)';
plot1 = sin(x);
plot2 = cos(x);
[hax,plotLeft,plotRight] = plotyy(x,[plot1 plot1],x,[plot2 plot2])
plotLeft(1).Marker = 'o';
plotLeft(2).Marker = 'x';


I would like to set this bit:

plotLeft(1).Marker = 'o';
plotLeft(2).Marker = 'x';


But on one line. I can access the marker types:

plotLeft([1 2]).Marker


But that won't let me install them, as I think it will work:

>> plotLeft([1 2]).Marker = ['o' 'x']
Insufficient number of outputs from function on right hand side of equal sign to
satisfy overloaded assignment.


sample plot


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1 answer

You can use deal

to achieve this goal:

[plotLeft([1 2]).Marker] = deal('o', 'x');


plotLeft([1 2]).Marker

creates a comma separated list , so you cannot assign it directly, but you can use a deal to handle it, this would be the equivalent of this:

[plotLeft(1).Marker, plotLeft(2).Marker] = deal('o', 'x');




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