SQL Select only rows with maximum value in FILTERED by Column

This is an answer to a great answer:
SQL Select only rows with maximum value in a column

SQLFiddle http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/3077f/2

The "yourtable" table:

| id | val | ignore | content |
| 1  | 10  |   0    |   A     |
| 1  | 20  |   0    |   B     |
| 1  | 30  |   1    |   C     |
| 2  | 40  |   0    |   D     |
| 2  | 50  |   0    |   E     |
| 2  | 60  |   1    |   F     |


When searching for max val for id, the following sql is used:

select yt1.*
from yourtable yt1
left outer join yourtable yt2
on (yt1.id = yt2.id and yt1.val < yt2.val )
where yt2.id is null;


So the result will be in this case

| id | val | ignore | content |
| 1  | 30  |   1    |   C     |
| 2  | 60  |   1    |   F     |


The question is how to filter on the "ignore" column when it is 1, so the result will be

| id | val | ignore | content |
| 1  | 20  |   0    |   B     |
| 2  | 50  |   0    |   E     |



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2 answers

You need to put a condition in both the subquery and the outer query:

select yt1.*
from yourtable yt1 left outer join
     yourtable yt2
     on yt1.id = yt2.id and yt1.val < yt2.val and yt2.ignore <> 1
where yt2.id is null and yt1.ignore <> 1;




You can simply add another condition and yt1.ignore <> 1

like below:

select yt1.*
from yourtable yt1
left outer join yourtable yt2
on (yt1.id = yt2.id and yt1.val < yt2.val )
where yt2.id is null and yt1.ignore <> 1;




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