Use Mvvmcross binding with MonoTouch.Dialog (lists and commands)

1. Binding lists

I wonder how I could bind the ObservableCollection to the Radiogroup:

new Section(){
                new RootElement("Mandanten", new RadioGroup("mandanten", 2)) {
                    new Section(){
                        new RadioElement("Kupus", "mandanten"),
                        new RadioElement("Kajmak", "mandanten")


as you can see here I am creating 2 items / items manually but I am missing something like "ItemsSource". If this is not possible, what recommendation will you give me? Use witch control (to bind lists)?

2. CommandBinding

As I see theres no "button" in MonoTouch.Dialog. So I saw that we would be using "StringElement". I tried, but after clicking on "button" nothing happened:

new StringElement("Login").Bind(this, "SelectedCommand LoginCommand")


I'm not sure what happened, maybe I need to use a new "option" here, for example:

new EntryElement ("User", "Loginuser", ViewModel.User).Bind(target, v => v.Value, t => t.User),


But I'm not sure how to create this familiar code to bind a command to a specific "line item" (in this case, a button with an ontap event).

Any help is appreciated!


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1 answer

1. List of bindings

An example of dynamic list binding ObservableCollection

is at - it uses some custom items from slodge / MvvmCross-Tutorials / tree / master / DialogExamples / DialogExamples.Touch / BindableElements - which was based on the sample

Due to the fact that radio lists are implemented internally, I don't know if the same binding approach ObservableCollection

for radio lists would work - someone would need a prototype and experiment to fix this. However, a simple fixed list of radio stations is shown at

2. CommandBinding

See an example at:

                new Section("Action")
                        new StringElement("Second").Bind(bindings, element => element.SelectedCommand, vm => vm.GoSecondCommand),
                        new StringElement("Bindable Elements").Bind(bindings, element => element.SelectedCommand, vm => vm.BindableElementsCommand)  




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