C array structure gives random segfault error + valgrind invalid entry

I have a random segfault in my code when I try to view my structure array.

I have a struct_fd that contains the socket value, its type, 2 buffers and 2 pointers to work with. I also have my main server "env" structure (struct s_sv_prop) that holds a pointer to the struct_fd array.


#define MAX_CLIENTS     10
#define SK_SERV         0
#define SK_CLIENT       1
#define SK_FREE         2

typedef struct s_fd         t_fd;
typedef struct s_sv_prop     t_sv_prop;

struct          s_fd
    void    (*ft_read)();
    void    (*ft_write)();
    int     sock;
    int     type;
    char     rd[BUF_SIZE + 1];
    char    wr[BUF_SIZE + 1];

struct          s_sv_prop
    t_cmd           *cmd;
    t_fd            *fds;
    fd_set          readfds;
    fd_set          writefds;
    int             max;
    int             left;
    int             port;


Function where I allocate memory for my structure array:

void                init_sv_prop(t_sv_prop *sv, char *port, char **env)
    int             i;

    i = 0;
    sv->max = 0;
    sv->left = 0;
    sv->port = (unsigned short) atoi(port);
    sv->cmd = (t_cmd *)malloc(sizeof(*(sv->cmd)));
    init_env(sv, env); /* initiate other env */
    init_command_list(sv); /* malloc an array of another struc */
    sv->fds = (t_fd *)malloc(sizeof(*(sv->fds)) * MAX_SOCKETS);
    while (i < MAX_SOCKETS) {


I am using clean_fd to clean up all possible memory problem immediately after malloc:

void        clean_fd(t_fd *fd)
    fd->type = SK_FREE; /* Valgrind : Invalid write of size 4 */
    fd->sock = 0;
    bzero(fd->rd, BUF_SIZE + 1);
    bzero(fd->wr, BUF_SIZE + 1);
    fd->ft_read = NULL;
    fd->ft_write = NULL;


If I want to display the state of my structure, I accidentally get Segfault EXC_BAD_ACCESS (not every time though ...):

void            sv_socket_state(t_sv_prop *sv, char *tag)
    int     i;
    char    *str;
    char    skfr[] = "FREE";
    char    sksv[] = "SERVER";
    char    skcl[] = "CLIENT";

    i = 0;
    while (i < MAX_SOCKETS)
        if (sv->fds[i].type == SK_SERV)
            str = sksv;
        else if (sv->fds[i].type == SK_CLIENT)
            str = skcl;
            str = skfr;
        printf("%5d | %6s | %5d | %6c | %6c\n", i, str, CL_SOCK(i),
            (FD_ISSET(CL_SOCK(i), &sv->readfds) ? 'X' : ' '),
            (FD_ISSET(CL_SOCK(i), &sv->writefds) ? 'X' : ' '));


When I run my code in OsX as mentioned earlier, I accidentally get a segfault when the last function runs. When I run it on Ubuntu, I got a malloc error and valgrind encounters an invalid write error.

I must miss something of my appropriation. Do you have any idea where this problem comes from?


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1 answer

As BLUEPIXY in the comments, the line:

sv->fds = (t_fd *)malloc(sizeof(*(sv->fds)) * MAX_SOCKETS);


in fact:

sv->fds = (t_fd *)malloc(sizeof(*(sv->fds)) * 1 + MAX_CLIENTS);


and made malloc be of size * (sv-> fds) + MAX_CLIENTS value. The macro should go from:




#define MAX_SOCKETS     (1 + MAX_CLIENTS)


Thanks everyone for your help.



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