SQL Server: auto-increment fields separately

I have a table with two columns where none of the columns are unique. I need to auto-grow a column number

separately for each user.

user | number
1    | 1
2    | 1
1    | 2 
3    | 1


The only idea I could come up with would be to find the last used number and manually increment it by one. Is there a more efficient way?


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3 answers

Instead of a field, number

you can create a field auto increment

in the table (I call it id

) and get what you want number

with a query:

first adding id:

alter table table_name add id int not null IDENTITY(1,1)


you don't need a field with numbers anymore:

alter table table_name drop column number


Request to get number

(you can use it to create a view):

select user,
row_number() over(partition by user order by id) as number
from table_name




Find the user and enlarge it.

INSERT INTO YOUR_TABLE (user, number) 
SELECT (MAX(number) + 1)


The term auto-increment only covers auto-incrementing a primary key . See this page for details .



You can do it in two queries:

userno - the user ID in general that you want to insert

first write (query 1) if you are already in the table:

insert into table_name 
select userno,count(*) from table_name where user = userno 
group by user;


if it returns an empty string, then it just writes (query 2), that is, a new user should be inserted:

insert into table_name values(userno,1);




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