OData with multiple keys

I am using the Microsoft.OData 6.11.0 package and I would like API users to be able to use one of three properties (DB primary key, username, or external ID) as a key for the data type representing people. The formats for properties vary so much that they can be easily distinguished. I have set up OData model like this:

ODataModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
    routeName: "ODataRoute",
    routePrefix: "OData",
    model: builder.GetEdmModel());


In the controller I have:

public SingleResult<Person> Get([FromODataUri] String key) {/*...*/}

[EnableQuery(PageSize = 100)]
public IQueryable<Widget> WidgetsFromPerson([FromODataUri] String key) {/*...*/}


which takes a guess where the id is given and returns the data accordingly. These works:

GET http://localhost/app/OData/Person(1234)
GET http://localhost/app/OData/Person(999999999)
GET http://localhost/app/OData/Person(1234)/Widgets
GET http://localhost/app/OData/Person(999999999)/Widgets


They get me a 404.

GET http://localhost/app/OData/Person('username')
GET http://localhost/app/OData/Person('username')/Widgets


If I cannot do this, is there an alternative syntax I can use to get the username by username, and also widgets for that person by username?

Metadata returned through the API includes the following:

<edmx:Edmx Version="4.0" xmlns:edmx="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edmx">
    <Schema Namespace="MyModel" xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm">
      <EntityType Name="AbstractPerson" Abstract="true">
          <PropertyRef Name="PersonId" />
        <Property Name="PersonId" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false" />
      <EntityType Name="Person" BaseType="MyModel.Person">
        <Property Name="UserName" Type="Edm.String" />
        <NavigationProperty Name="Widgets" Type="Collection(MyModel.Widget)" />




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1 answer

I really think you are looking for a function similar to the alternate key.

The OData team is working on supporting alternate keys. You can find details and sample from here

Alternatively, you can find an implementation .



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