SBT: Can I dynamically add a library dependency from another?

I am trying to create a plugin that adds a runtime dependency of a particular library (JVM agent for java animator) if the project libraryDependencies

contains one of a specific set of other libraries (one of the Kamon libraries that needs and then I can link to that downloaded dependency file when building a Docker image (using sbt-docker).

Kamon defines aspectweaver as a "provided" dependency, but AFAICTs are not transiently available from projects that depend on one of these Kamon libs.

The problem is that I cannot override libraryDependencies

in my plugin because at that time the actual project had not added any dependencies yet, so I get an empty list. So I have to somehow add this dependency after the project has it installed libraryDependencies

, but before SBT starts loading dependencies.

Is it possible? Is there another setting that I can override to achieve this?

My backup is somehow loading this jj aspect of myself from a task in my plugin. Is there some SBT subsystem I could use to do this so that the jar file is resolved against (or downloaded) the local Ivy repository?


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1 answer

I figured it out using allDependencies

. Here's the (shortened) code:

object AspectjWeaverPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
  private val aspectjWeaver = "org.aspectj" % "aspectjweaver" % "1.8.5" % "runtime"
  private val aspectjWeaverLibs = List("kamon-spray", "kamon-akka", "kamon-scala")

  val aspectjWeaverJarFile = taskKey[Option[File]]("The aspectj weaver jar file if it exists on the classpath.")

  override def requires = plugins.JvmPlugin
  override def projectSettings = Seq(
    allDependencies := {
      allDependencies.value ++ libraryDependencies.value.find(module => aspectjWeaverLibs.contains( => aspectjWeaver)
    aspectjWeaverJarFile := {
      val classpath = (managedClasspath in Runtime).value

      classpath.find( == s"${}-${aspectjWeaver.revision}.jar").map(


Now I can use this new task with the additional aspectj weaver jar to set the required option -javaagent:...

to run

, re-start

and into the Docker image that I build with sbt-docker.

Still wondering what is the best way to do it though.



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