How to overlap navigator .notification.prompt over camera in cordova

My app has a barcode scanner. I am using this plugin to be exact.

I need the tooltip to appear over the top of the scanner when scanning a barcode. similar to the downloadable version of manatee in googleplay. I will ask the user to enter a quantity.

I have already commented

finishing ();

in's handleDecode function so the scanner doesn't close when it scanned something, but I tried

navigator.notification.alert(result.code, function(){}, result.type, 'Close');



alert('normal alert');



            'notification prompt',  // message
            onPrompt,                  // callback to invoke
            'Registration',            // title
            ['Ok','Exit'],             // buttonLabels
            'Jane Doe'                 // defaultText



            ' notifcation confirm', // message
             onConfirm,            // callback to invoke with index of button pressed
            'Game Over',           // title
            ['Restart','Exit']     // buttonLabels


They all work, but they don't appear on top of the scanner. I only see them when I exit the scanner.


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1 answer

I contacted the creator of the barcode scanner we used, which is Manatee. They said that there is no way to do this with javascript and you will need to code this example.

Their demo was pop-up because it was coded originally.



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