How to overlap navigator .notification.prompt over camera in cordova
My app has a barcode scanner. I am using this plugin to be exact.
I need the tooltip to appear over the top of the scanner when scanning a barcode. similar to the downloadable version of manatee in googleplay. I will ask the user to enter a quantity.
I have already commented
finishing ();
in's handleDecode function so the scanner doesn't close when it scanned something, but I tried
navigator.notification.alert(result.code, function(){}, result.type, 'Close');
alert('normal alert');
'notification prompt', // message
onPrompt, // callback to invoke
'Registration', // title
['Ok','Exit'], // buttonLabels
'Jane Doe' // defaultText
' notifcation confirm', // message
onConfirm, // callback to invoke with index of button pressed
'Game Over', // title
['Restart','Exit'] // buttonLabels
They all work, but they don't appear on top of the scanner. I only see them when I exit the scanner.
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