Select a tab in Firefox from the command line

Firefox already allows you to open new URLs from the command line. Is there a way to select an existing tab from the command line, by title or URL?


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1 answer

Yes there is:

  • install MozRepl addon
  • run it: Tools -> MozRepl -> Start
  • use telnet to connect to your executable MozRepl instance:

    $ telnet 4242

    You can also use rlwrap

    to enable readline

    -like key bindings in telnet session:

    $ rlwrap telnet 4242

  • define a function to search for a tab with a given url and navigate to it. This from is pretty cool:

    function semanticselecttab(url) {
         var numTabs=gBrowser.browsers.length;
         for(i=0; i<numTabs-1; i++) {
           if(gBrowser.browsers[i].contentDocument.location.href.indexOf(url)>=0) {

  • execute it like this:

    repl> semanticselecttab("")



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