Use a D3 pie chart to showcase JSON in each collection

I am trying to plot a pie chart to show how many collections are in the meaning of each name. I have checked d3.layout.pie (). Value () can only evaluate the specified array of values. Is there any solution I can get the JSON value? For example

        "name": "json",
            {"a": "aaa"},
            {"b": "bbb"},
            {"c": "ccc"},
            {"d": "ddd"}
                "actual": "222"
                "plan": "333"
                "actual": "111"
                "plan": "333"


So the data I want to map to the value would be [4, 4, 2]


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1 answer

convert json to javascript object and then you can get the length of the arrays.

var temp = [
    "name": "json",
        {"a": "aaa"},
        {"b": "bbb"},
        {"c": "ccc"},
        {"d": "ddd"}
            "actual": "222"
            "plan": "333"
            "actual": "111"
            "plan": "333"

 var data = [temp[0].Lead.length,temp[0].Costs.length,temp[0].Budget.length];


and then pass the data to the pie chart.

hope this helps :)



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