Is GameScene.sks not recommended for making a game?
Almost every SpriteKit game starter tutorial I've seen has people uninstall GameScene.sks with no real explanation.
The reason why creating simple non-gaming apps is so beginner-friendly is explained by the storyboard.
Ray uses GameScene here:
Is there a reason NOT to use this tool? Writing off TOTAL in code is a little trickier if you have this tool sitting here that seems to simplify it a bit, but I'd rather avoid it if it's better.
Thanks in advance.
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1 answer
All personal preferences are valid. I think the reason people are deleting it, although (at least in my opinion) is due to the following reasons:
- You have to specify the initial scene size in the file. If you create a scene programmatically, you can set the size in the view size.
- The editor is very . Xcode 7, however, significantly extends the editor to include much more, such as custom classes.
- There were some pretty big bugs / glitches in the initial release of Xcode 6.
- When learning the Sprite Kit, it's good to know how to programmatically do something, rather than do it visually. This is because games often have dynamic gameplay, so you will definitely have to do something programmatically (especially given the limitations of the Xcode 6 editor).
- Some people (myself included) may use their own editor for level design, etc. Whereas the frontend developer is standard as it has become very powerful over the years and works great with UIKit.
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