How to execute ng-repeat inside <head> tag

I want to do ng-repeat on <head>

pages to list open chart meta tags. However, I am not sure how to do this, since apparently the tags allowed in <head>

contain tags.

If I just add the wrapper <div>

, as I often do with ng-repeat, browsers remove it from <head>

down to <body>


I thought about creating my own do-nothing statement to allow me to do something like this

<custom-repeat-wrapper ng-repeat="entry in entries">
  <meta property="entry.key" content="entry.content"/>


I guess this will work, but as far as I know, browsers can raise it to as well <body>


I suppose I could potentially write my own directive that sorta works like an ng-repeat, but does not require a wrapper and instead duplicates the tag it is placed on.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for a cleaner solution before I go down this path?


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1 answer

You need to declare your angular app in html tag and use ng-repeat inside the meta tag, for example:

<html ng-app="myApp">
    <head ng-controller="headController">
      <meta ng-repeat="entry in entries" property ="{{entry.key}}" content="{{entry.content}}">


And the controller:

angular.module('myApp', [])
  .controller('headController', function($scope) {
    $scope.entries = [{
      key: 'key1',
      content: 'content1'
    }, {
      key: 'key2',
      content: 'content2'
    }, ];



Here is a working plunkr:



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