Spring Hibernate - failed to get session with transaction synchronization for current thread

Why am I posting this?

After hours of searching / analyzing / getting paranoid, I would like to share my guilt with you - I nailed my cause of the problem.

When did it happen?

  • on app server (in my case embedded tomcat) - tests had no problem
  • on two specific @Services on which the methods have been properly annotated with @Transactional

What is the problem?

  • Missing @EnableTransactionManagement in @Configuration
  • Some Grid-related AEP issues such as not having a default constructor in a service that does not implement the interface (AFAIK this issue no longer exists since Spring 4.0)

What was the problem?

I use CustomPermisionEvaluator for Security for example to protect methods like this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/{name}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
@PreAuthorize("hasPermission(null, 'SERVICE.ASSOCIATION.FIND_BY_NAME')")
public ResponseEntity<AssociationResult> findByName(@PathVariable String name) {
    //do stuff


To do this, I need to extend the GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration function to access your CustomPermissionEvaluator. There I used @Autowiring to get access to the beans needed to evaluate the permission. And guess it was those 2 @Services that the TransactionInterceptor ignored.


Don't allow autwire beans in GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration => after that they won't be intercepted correctly.


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