Xcode 6.3.2 Application does not have a valid signature
I tried every related thread and did all suggested steps:
- Delete all provisioning profiles
- Create new app ID
But I still get
Application installation error, application does not have a valid signature
when installing the application on iPhone 6 iOS 8.3
This app installed fine on this phone yesterday before I installed the analysis framework and Facebook. In addition, other apps are still well installed on this phone.
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Just for everyone who has this problem. I tried every possible solution and ended up creating a new empty project and copying over my assets to make it work.
I removed the inline binaries. And #import <ParseFacebookUtilsV4/PFFacebookUtils.h>
now only bridged header and not imported into any swift files.
Not FBSDKCoreKit
yet imported into the bridge header, but imported in every swift file.
Hope this helps someone!
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