How to map System.Version as complex type in Entity Framework 6

I have a System.Version object in one of my POCO objects using Code First Entity Framework 6. I would like to map it to a database like:

table Diagnostics
  column ApplicationVersionMajor int
  column ApplicationVersionMinor int
  column ApplicationVersionBuild int
  column ApplicationVersionRevision int


How to do it when the class looks something like this:

class Diagnostics 
  public System.Version ApplicationVersion { get; set; }


I know I can decorate my own value objects with the [ComplexType] attribute; I just don't know how to do this for the frame type.


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1 answer

Since System.Version is a class, it can be a complex type. You can mark it as a complex type with a fluid interface.

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)




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