How can I check if the WordPress code is correct?

I am trying to put a script in my WordPress theme, but I have no way to tell if this is correct. The script doesn't work, so what am I doing wrong?

function buns_bootstrap_js(){

    wp_enqueue_script('bootstrapjs', get_stylesheet_directory() . 'js/bootstrap.min.js',    array('jquery'),'3.2.0');

add_action('wp_enqueue_script', 'buns_bootstrap_js');



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1 answer

Your best bet is to learn how to use developer tools in Firefox (or Firebug ) or Chrome or Safari or IE to see your site's Javascript loading and any script errors.

And use Debug in WordPress to check for PHP errors that may exist while using wp_enqueue_script


Check docs if needed for wp_enqueue_script



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