Find a specific symbol at the beginning of a .m file

I am new to Matlab and I am trying to write a program that needs to look for a pipe symbol |

before a function is declared in a .m file.

For example:

% |
function y = add(x,z)
    y = x+z


I have an idea on how to proceed, but I cannot write the code for it:

  • Request a file for the file to be parsed
  • Open the file
  • Skip any blank lines at the beginning of the file
  • Extract the first comment before the function declaration, proceed depending on the presence of the symbol |

What I have managed to put into the code so far:

function y = filesearch()
%Ask user for file to parse
[fileName, filePath] = uiputfile('*.m','Choose file you want to parse');
% Open the file:
fid = fopen(filePath);

% Skip empty lines:
defLine = '';
while all(isspace(defLine))
    defLine = strip_comments(fgets(fid));
% Check for presence of |


As you can see, I cannot think of a line that can strip the comment (if it exists) and check for the pipe symbol.

Also, although not a priority right now , I would like to use this character at the end of each line if it satisfies certain parameters. For example:


(No character at the end of the line)

R1 = 1; R2 = 2; R3 = 3;
Rs = R1 + R2 + R3; 



(| at the end of the dydt statement)

% |
function dydt = vanderpoldemo(t,y,Mu)
%VANDERPOLDEMO Defines the van der Pol equation for ODEDEMO.
dydt = [y(2); Mu*(1-y(1)^2)*y(2)-y(1)]; % |


For the above-mentioned differential case, I think, need a regular expression (after intial |

will be found before the announcement function), to check availability |

at the end of the line, in which an ad is not algebraic.

I would appreciate any help or advice on how to extract and verify the original comment, and if possible how can I implement my additional question where should I check if a character exists at the end of each line.


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1 answer

The following code loops through the line of the line and looks for a comment character in the comment. It stops after it has been found:

fid = fopen('add.m');
% Check for presence of | in a comment
tline = fgetl(fid);
while ischar(tline)
    if strfind(tline,'%')       % find comments
        if strfind(tline,'|')   % find pipe
            disp(tline)         % do something
            break;              % stop while loop
    tline = fgetl(fid);




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