What is a mule farm in uwsgi?

What is a mule farm in uwsgi and what can you use it for? Are there any use cases? I didn't find anything in the docs or anywhere else.


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1 answer

named group of mules

- farm chickens: 1,2,3. - fruits of cows: 4.5.

creates 2 farms: "chickens" with mules 1, 2, 3 inside and "cows" with mules 4, 5 (this is the mule identifier)

you can register a signal for specific farms via uwsgi.register_signal (x, "farm_chickens", handler) and then only the mules in the "farm chickens" will receive the signal x

You can also send and receive messages via farms uwsgi.mule_msg ("message", "farm name");



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