Can data on the card be deleted?
I have never used google maps api before, just wondering if I can delete everything on the map except country borders. I also want country and city names to stay on my map. No color, no contour lines, no elevation lines, nothing but them. Also, can I tweak the anchor points so that I can write a program to highlight an area (and then dynamically control its brightness or the color or size of the selection at runtime based on some external input).
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In the first part of your question (removing things from standard maps), you need the Styled Maps feature in the Maps API.
Use the Style Wizard to see what the different styling options do . When you get the style you want, click the Show JSON button to get data that you can plug into the API.
The user interface of the Styled Maps Wizard is a bit confusing. Be sure to read the help panel and keep experimenting with it.
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You can read the KML file to show the status or country diagram. Data layers can also be used to add custom content such as markers to the map.
Allowable stock types of cards :
to display the default roadmap view. -
to display satellite google earth images. -
displays a mixture of normal and satellite views. -
to display a physical map based on terrain information.
Alternatively, you can create your own card types by providing your own set of tiles.
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