Firebase library for Node.js breaks when using the "babel" loader. Specifically: "Uncaught TypeError: Unable to read property" navigator "undefined"

I am creating an app with ReactJS, Webpack, Babel and Firebase.

When I run webpack to bundle my code using the babel loader, I see the following printed among many other lines:

[BABEL] Note. The code generator has de-optimized the style "/Users/.../myproject/ node_modules / firebase / lib / firebase-web.js" as it exceeds the maximum value of "100KB".

Then when I try and require ("firebase") in my application and then run it in the browser ... the browser outputs the following to the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'navigator' of undefined
(anonymous function) @ firebase-web.js:12
(anonymous function) @ firebase-web.js:262
__webpack_require__ @ bootstrap da2fff1ce4ea892319dc:19
aa @ PlayerStore.js:3
__webpack_require__ @ bootstrap da2fff1ce4ea892319dc:19
prop @ Player.js:19
__webpack_require__ @ bootstrap da2fff1ce4ea892319dc:19
(anonymous function) @ index.js:13
__webpack_require__ @ bootstrap da2fff1ce4ea892319dc:19
obj.__esModule.default @ bootstrap da2fff1ce4ea892319dc:39
(anonymous function) @ bootstrap da2fff1ce4ea892319dc:39


PlayerStore.js: 3 where I have the line:

var Firebase = require('firebase');


Does anyone know what is causing this error when I try to download the application? I'm not sure if this error was triggered because I switched from using jsx-loader in Webpack to babel, or because I was running an npm update and a new version of one of the packages I am using is breaking.


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2 answers

Your answer seems to be: Webpack + Firebase: Disable Firebase parsing

Babylon adds "use strict"

which calls this

as undefined.

The solution would be to disable the babel loader for firebase as described in the linked answer:

module: {
  loaders: [
    {test: /\.jsx?$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader'}




If you get this Firebase issue on ionic 3 using webpack add it by default webpack.config.js :

    test: /\.js$/,
    loader: process.env.IONIC_WEBPACK_TRANSPILE_LOADER,
    exclude: /node_modules/  // <-- add this 




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