How to convert UPC-A to UPC-E?

We would like to convert 12-digit UPC-A to 8-bit UPC-E. Can you tell me what is the best way to do it without using your own conversion code?

I have many formulas for converting 8-bit UCC-E to 12-digit UPC-A, but not vice versa.


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2 answers

            NSString *strScannedCode = @"028200002921";
        NSString *strBarCodeType = @"UPC E";

        NSString *strAlteredScannedCode = strScannedCode;

        if ([strBarCodeType isEqualToString:@"UPC E"])
            if (strScannedCode.length == 12)
                NSString *strManufacturerCode = [strScannedCode substringWithRange:(NSMakeRange(1, 5))];
                NSString *strProductCode = [strScannedCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(6, 5)];

                NSLog(@"strManufacturerCode = %@",strManufacturerCode);
                NSLog(@"strProductCode = %@",strProductCode);

                if ([[strManufacturerCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(2, 3)] isEqualToString:@"000"] ||
                    [[strManufacturerCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(2, 3)] isEqualToString:@"100"] ||
                    [[strManufacturerCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(2, 3)] isEqualToString:@"200"])
                    strAlteredScannedCode = STRING(@"%@%@%@",[strManufacturerCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 2)],
                                                   [strProductCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(2, 3)],
                                                   [strManufacturerCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(2, 1)]);
                else if ([[strManufacturerCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(3, 2)] isEqualToString:@"00"])
                    strAlteredScannedCode = STRING(@"%@%@3",[strManufacturerCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 3)],
                                                   [strProductCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(3, 2)]);

                else if ([strManufacturerCode characterAtIndex:4] == '0')
                    strAlteredScannedCode = STRING(@"%@%@4",[strManufacturerCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 4)],
                                                   [strProductCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(4, 1)]);
                else if ([strManufacturerCode characterAtIndex:4] != '0')
                    strAlteredScannedCode = STRING(@"%@%@",strManufacturerCode,
                                                   [strProductCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(4, 1)]);

                strAlteredScannedCode = STRING(@"%@%@%@",[strScannedCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)],strAlteredScannedCode,[strScannedCode substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(11, 1)]);

                NSLog(@"strUPC_E_Code = %@",strAlteredScannedCode);


When you implement the above code, you will get between 12 digits and 8 digits. For example, you get the result as "02829221", this is UPC E "028200002921".



The algorithm for converting a GTIN-12 identifier between UPC-A and UPC-E representation can be most clearly seen from the following template display:

SabN0000cdeX ⟺ SabcdeNX  :  0≤N≤2
Sabc00000deX ⟺ Sabcde3X
Sabcd00000eX ⟺ Sabcde4X
Sabcde0000NX ⟺ SabcdeNX  :  5≤N≤9


The above S

has a number system, either 0 or 1, and X

is a check digit. If UPC-A does not match the pattern, it cannot be converted to UPC-E.

You can see that there can be up to four valid UPC-E representations of each UPC-A:

001200000067 ⟺ 00100627 ⟺ 00120637 ⟺ 00120647 ⟺ 00120067.

The pseudocode that performs one of the conversion methods from UPC-A to UPC-E looks like this:

Input:  A valid twelve-digit UPC-A: Assigned to A[]. 
Output: PASS: Eight-digit UPC-E representing the UPC-A.
        FAIL: Reason.

if A[0] != {0-1} then FAIL: Invalid number system.

if A[3] == {0-2} && A[4-7] == "0000"  then PASS: A[0-2] . A[8-10] . A[3]  . A[11]
if A[4-8] == "00000"                  then PASS: A[0-3] . A[9-10] . "3"   . A[11]
if A[5-9] == "00000"                  then PASS: A[0-4] . A[10]   . "4"   . A[11]
if A[6-9] == "0000" && A[10] == {5-9} then PASS: A[0-5] .           A[10] . A[11]

FAIL: UPC-A not compatible with UPC-E.




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