How to reverse sort a column on click using AngularJS

I have a simple way to sort a column of a table, but I cannot find a way to alternate between the reverse sort on click and back. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Below is a fiddle showing what I mean.

<div ng-app="app">

<div ng-controller="controller">

    <div class="col-md-10">
        <table class="table table-hover table-bordered">
                <th>Status<a ng-click="orderProperty = 'a'">^</a></th>
                <th>Ref<a ng-click="orderProperty = 'b'">^</a></th>
                <th>Service<a ng-click="orderProperty = 'c'">^</a></th>
                <th>Domain<a ng-click="orderProperty = 'd'">^</a></th>
                <th>Service Owner<a ng-click="orderProperty     = 'e'">^</a></th>
                <th>Stage<a ng-click="orderProperty = 'f'">^</a></th>
                <tr ng-repeat="x in projects | orderBy:orderProperty">


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3 answers

You can toggle the orderProperty by specifying the column name with "-". Replace the table header with this code:

        <th>Status<a ng-click="setOrderProperty('a')">^</a></th>
        <th>Ref<a ng-click="setOrderProperty('b')">^</a></th>
        <th>Service<a ng-click="setOrderProperty('c')">^</a></th>
        <th>Domain<a ng-click="setOrderProperty('d')">^</a></th>
        <th>Service Owner<a ng-click="setOrderProperty('e')">^</a></th>
        <th>Stage<a ng-click="setOrderProperty('f')">^</a></th>


... and add this function to your scope:

$scope.setOrderProperty = function(propertyName) {
    if ($scope.orderProperty === propertyName) {
        $scope.orderProperty = '-' + propertyName;
    } else if ($scope.orderProperty === '-' + propertyName) {
        $scope.orderProperty = propertyName;
    } else {
        $scope.orderProperty = propertyName;



You can reverse the order by passing true

as the third part of the filter orderBy


<tr ng-repeat="x in projects | orderBy : orderProperty : true">




In html

change ng-click

to function call

    <th><a ng-click="sortProperty('a')">Status</a></th>
    <th><a ng-click="sortProperty('b')">Ref</a></th>
    <th><a ng-click="sortProperty('c')">Service</a></th>
    <th><a ng-click="sortProperty('d')">Domain</a></th>
    <th><a ng-click="sortProperty('e')">Service Owner</a></th>
    <th><a ng-click="sortProperty('f')">Stage</a></th>


In Javascript:

add '+' to orderProperty variable

$scope.orderProperty = "+f";

then add this function

$scope.sortProperty = function(column) {
    var currentColumn = $scope.orderProperty.slice(1);
    var currentDirection = $scope.orderProperty.slice(0, 1);
    var dir = '+';

    if (column === currentColumn) {
        dir = currentDirection === '+' ? '-' : '+';
    $scope.orderProperty = dir + column;


Clicking on a column header will now toggle sorting

see JsFiddle demo



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