How do I add chat colors?

I want to add color formats to my plugin (for example, essentials have colors in chat). For example, it &6test

will become the "test" in gold.

I almost added these colors, but I have a problem. It deletes the entire message and leaves a green test message. How do I add colors?

I am currently using this:

public void onPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent chatevent){
    for (String word : chatevent.getMessage().split(" ")){
        word = word.replaceAll("&2", "Β§2test");
            if (!chatevent.getPlayer().hasPermission("bypassbadwords")){
            chatevent.getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Dont use dirty or swear words!");


But as I said, it deletes the whole message and leaves a green test message. This is caused by:

word = word.replaceAll("&2", "Β§2test");


Ignore the "badwords" part, it just stops people from using bad words. How do I fix this so players can use color codes in chat?


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3 answers

If you want to translate color codes (for example from a symbol &

) you can useChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes

ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', str);


This will automatically convert all color codes &

to color codes with a symbol Β§

and then to the appropriate one ChatColor


So, for example, if you used

String original = "&atest";
String formatted = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', original);



will be equal "Β§atest"

to equal ChatColor.GREEN + "test"


If you want to allow players to communicate using color codes &

, you can first listen AsyncPlayerChatEvent

(inside a class that implements Listener

) and then set the message to the correct colored message with.translateAlternateColorCodes

public void playerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent e){
    //get the chat message
    String original = e.getMessage();

    //format the chat message with &colorCodes
    String formatted = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', original);

    //set the message to the formatted message


Using this, if a player typed something like "& 6Hello, & aWorld!" It will be translated to ChatColor.GOLD + "Hello, " + ChatColor.GREEN + "World!"


The reason the whole message is replaced with "Β§2test" is because you are splitting the line up and not rebuilding it.

Instead, you should split the line after using translateAlternateColorCodes

, and then strip the colors with the line using ChatColor.stripColor(String)

, before checking if it's a scourge (this can prevent players from bypassing censorship by putting color codes in front of the cursed words)



Use ChatColor.{COLORNAME}


Example: word = word.replaceAll("&2", ChatColor.GREEN + "test");

A complete list of all available color codes is here:

You may need to import org.bukkit.ChatColor

like this: import org.bukkit.ChatColor;

EDIT: For the reason that it doesn't replace the correct part, it has nothing to do with colors. You are using .replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)

that accepts a regex, since you don't need regex, just use a function .replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement)

. It will replace all occurrences of the string anyway.

EDIT2: You are also calling chatevent.setMessage(word);

for each word, you only want to call this after you have processed all the words. Use a StringBuilder and add each word to it and then set the message at the end (from the for loop).



Your deconstruction is a string with a few words in it. What you need to do is create an extra line and recompile the message in your loop. Then make yours: chatevent.setMessage (new_contructed_message_from_your_loop);

But I would imagine what you are using, you might have to split them into several different objects to create the message from the loop.



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