Can I use LoDash to map a large json object (from a REST service) to a smaller object?

I am getting a list of tweets (from a REST service) which is a really big list of many properties, but I am only interested in a few properties in each item of the returned collection.

What's the best way to map this to a smaller object? Will Lodash help here?

Will I just iterate over it and create a lot of new object?


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2 answers

Assuming you've already created an array of large tweet objects from your JSON (String), there is actually an underscore / lodash function to create objects with subsets of properties. Thank you after _. Select .

Basically, you would do something along the lines of:

var importantParams = ["id", "user", "text", "created_at"];

var smallerObjArray =, function(largeObj){
    return _.pick(largeObj, importantParams);




Definitely lodash can really be helpful when looking up a property in a large json. It has many useful methods for managing collections. pluck is my favorite.

Iterating over this large object is tedious work. It can be done, but lodash is a simple and smart way :)



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