Mysql dynamically transform complex sql query table

I have a table with two columns, the following schema:

create table scan( `application_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `defect_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL);


And the data is filled in accordingly. The table stores data for "Application" and the corresponding "Type of defect". I want to do the following 2 actions on this table:

  • Get the Top 3 "Defect Type" of a specific application as a percentage.
  • Move the output from above where the values ​​in "Defect Type" (defect_type) become columns and the corresponding percentage (finalPercent) as its value.

I can achieve 1 by following the SQL Fiddle:


However, I am unable to transfer the output as required. Ideally, there should be the following line, like after 1 and 2 together:

application_name | CrossSide |  CSS  |  XML 
       A         |   33.33   | 33.33 | 16.67 




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1 answer

You can create a dynamic pivot query with group_concat

and then execute it:

set @sql = null;

set @total = (select count(*) as totalcount from scan where application_name = "a");

select group_concat(distinct
      'round(((count(case when defect_type = ''',
      ''' then application_name end)/ @total ) * 100 ), 2) as `',
      defect_type, '`'
  ) into @sql 
from ( select  defect_type 
        from   scan 
        where  application_name = "a" 
        group  by defect_type
        order by count(defect_type) desc
        limit 3) t;

set @sql = concat(
'select application_name, ', @sql,
' from scan
where application_name = "a" 
group by application_name'

prepare stmt from @sql;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;





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