Improve by How to get the number of occourences for each distinct Concat Mysql group value

I am trying to solve this answer in order to get a more improved result. I have a table like this

name |status
mike |yes
mike |yes
mike |no
mike |ney
john |no
john |ney
john |yes


to output something like this

name |status           |total
mike |yes-2,no-1,ney-1 | 4
john |yes-1,no-1,ney-1 | 3


Someone suggested this answer, which works great.

SELECT name, GROUP_CONCAT(totalPerStatus) AS status, 
       (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE name = AS total
  SELECT name,      
         CONCAT(status, '-', COUNT(*)) AS totalPerStatus            
  FROM mytable
  GROUP BY name, status ) t
GROUP BY name;


But I want to improve this conclusion to get something like this

name | yes | no | ney | total
mike |2    |1   |1    | 4
john |1    |1   |1    | 3



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2 answers

Under the assumption (confirmed in the comments) that there are only three states yes

, no

and ney

, the simplest can only be the count

conditional case


SELECT   name,
         COUNT(CASE status WHEN 'yes' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS yes,
         COUNT(CASE status WHEN 'no' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS no,
         COUNT(CASE status WHEN 'ney' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS ney,
         COUNT(*) AS total
FROM     mytable




You don't need a subquery in select

. You can get a counter for each state and then aggregate it:

SELECT name, GROUP_CONCAT(totalPerStatus) AS status, 
       SUM(cnt) as Total
FROM (SELECT name,      
             CONCAT(status, '-', COUNT(*)) AS totalPerStatus,
             COUNT(*) as cnt            
      FROM mytable
      GROUP BY name, status
     ) t
GROUP BY name;




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