Parsing error in case expression
I am trying to convert Maybe Int to Int in Haskell like this:
convert :: Maybe Int -> Int
convert mx = case mx of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error "error message"
When I compile it, Haskell tells me parse error on input 'Nothing'
I need this because I want to get the index of an item in a list using the elem.Index function from the Data.List module, and then use that index for the take function. My problem is what elemIndex
returns Maybe Int
, but take
is required Int
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To add to @leftaroundabout's answer, I think I can provide you with other options.
First, you shouldn't do such unsafe things: your program will fail. It's much cleaner to keep it like that Maybe Int
and act as such, safe. In other words, it was a simple parsing error, but doing such incomplete functions could lead to much bigger problems in the future.
The problem you are facing, how can I do this?
We can make a better function like:
mapMaybe :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
mapMaybe f m = case m of
Just a -> f a
Nothing -> Nothing
What could you write:
λ> (+ 15) `mapMaybe` Just 9
Just 24
However, there is a function called fmap
that "maps" a function over certain data structures, including Maybe
λ> (== 32) `fmap` Just 9
Just False
and if you have import
ed Control.Applicative
there is a syntax synonym for it:
λ> show <$> Just 9
Just "9"
If you want to learn more about these data structures called functors, I would recommend reading Learn-you the Haskell .
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