UDP network stuck while waiting / receiving system data

I need to create a two way UDP networking system, that is, send and receive server and client data as shown in the diagram below:

network diagram

I took a ready-to-use example from http://www.binarytides.com/udp-socket-programming-in-winsock/

However, on the client, when the information (string) is sent, the client gets stuck waiting for incoming data on this line: recvfrom(s, buf, BUFLEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &si_other, &slen)

The client cannot send more data until it receives the incoming data.

Is there some method by which I can send data to the server and also wait for incoming data?


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1 answer

This is because sockets are blocked by default, which means that family calls recv

and read

will hang until data is available. You need to either use non-blocking multiplexed I / O like select()

or poll()

, or use a separate dedicated stream to receive data.

Non-blocking I / O differs significantly in design from blocking I / O code, so there is no simple change you can make. I recommend that you read something like the Beej Guide to Network Programming which covers all of these issues.



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