Add to list from dart: typed_data

Dart typed_data library contains several lists (eg Uint8List

, Uint16List

etc.) that are more effective than traditional List

, and is especially useful when you need to work with binary data. However, these lists are all fixed-sized lists, so it is not possible to extend (or add to the list) or shrink the list once it is created. This limitation causes a real problem when the size of the resulting list is unknown at the time of creation.

Consider the following example:

Uint8List getEven(Uint8List in)
    Uint8List out = new Uint8List(0);

    for (num i = 0; i < in.length; ++i)
        if (in[i] % 2 == 0)
            out.add(in[i]); // <- This will throw an exception since Uint8List  is fixed-length

    return out;


Is there any workaround for this problem or do I need to use List<num>

to handle binary data if I need add / resize functionality?


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1 answer

Yes, lists are dart:typed_data

not available in the built-in library .

However, the package contains an additional typed_data

package that provides mutable typed data implementations . I think I haven't tried them yet, but I hope they (still) work.


will be equivalent to the list you are looking for.



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