Swift 2.0 REPL - Error while auto-importing

Currently running OS X 10.11 Beta 2 with Xcode 7 installed, but is currently trying to use the Swift 2.0 REPL and I am currently facing the following issue:

Welcome to Apple Swift version 2.0 (700.0.42.1 700.0.53). Type :help for assistance.
  1> "100".toInt()
Error in auto-import:
failed to get module 'Swift' from AST context


Is there a specific setting or package that I need to play with in order to make it work?


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1 answer

The error seems to be due to an issue with the command line tools that were installed after Xcode or I uninstalled Xcode 6 as El Capitan Beta 2 now only supports Xcode 7 beta.

Now making sure the xcode select points were in the right place was the solution I needed.

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer


Keep in mind that I only found this error after trying to build with the Ionic Framework .

Kudos to tjmehta for his answer to a similar problem .



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