SQL Server 2012 query blocked with LCK_M_IS

I am trying to understand how the following two requests can block each other.

Run a query (can be almost anything): insert the [Import] volume. [WorkTable] ...

I am trying to run the following SELECT query at the same time:

FROM    ( SELECT * FROM @indexPart ip
JOIN    sys.indexes i (NOLOCK)
    ON  i.object_id = ip.ObjectId
    and i.name = ip.IndexName) i
APPLY   sys.dm_db_index_physical_Stats(db_id(), i.object_id,i.index_id,NULL,'LIMITED')  ps
WHERE   i.is_disabled = 0


The second request is blocked by the first request and shows LCK_M_IS as pending information. The information import is that the @indexPart temp table contains one index entry in a completely different table. My guess is that cross apply is trying to run statistics on one index, which has nothing to do with the other query being run.



After a few tests, I think I have found the culprit, but again I cannot explain it.

  • The Bulk Insert Session has an X lock on the [Import] table. [WorkTable]
  • The above query checks the index on the [Import] table. [AnyOtherTable] BUT requests an IS lock in [Import]. [WorkTable]. I have verified over and over that the above query (when run without applying a cross) only returns an index on the [Import] table. [AnyOtherTable].
  • Now the magic has come, changing CROSS APPLY to INTERNAL APPLICABILITY, done just fine without any blocking issues.

I hope someone can explain this to me ...


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1 answer

The problem might be with the where clause you were using. It must be inside an inline table. The next change might make a difference.

FROM    ( SELECT * FROM @indexPart ip
JOIN    sys.indexes i (NOLOCK)
ON  i.object_id = ip.ObjectId
and i.name = ip.IndexName
WHERE   i.is_disabled = 0) i


If you do this, it can reduce the number of records passed to the cross apply statement.



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