What time to live to use for internal references to fields in structures?

Consider the following rust code using raw pointers:

struct InteriorPointer {
  element: Box<u32>,
  element_ptr: *const u32,

fn mk_interior_pointer() -> InteriorPointer {
  let mut result = InteriorPointer{
    element: Box::new(1u32),
    element_ptr: std::ptr::null(),
  result.element_ptr = &*result.element as *const u32;


(It's a bit silly in this minimal example, but you could imagine replacing element

with Vec<u32>

and replacing element_ptr

with a pointer reference to the largest element of the array.)

How can I write this code in safe rust i.e. using a link instead of a raw pointer? Here's what I've tried:

struct InteriorPointer {
  element: Box<u32>,
  element_ref: &'static u32,
  // I actually want to say something like "&'self u32" or 
  // "&'lifetimeof(element) u32" but I'm not allowed.

fn mk_interior_pointer() -> InteriorPointer {
  let mut result = InteriorPointer{
    element: Box::new(1u32),
    element_ref: &dummy_element,
  result.element_ref = &*result.element;

static dummy_element: u32 = 5;


Unsurprisingly, this won't compile:

src/lib.rs:11:25: 11:40 error: `*result.element` does not live long enough
src/lib.rs:11   result.element_ref = &*result.element;
note: reference must be valid for the static lifetime...
src/lib.rs:10:5: 13:2 note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the block suffix following statement 0 at 10:4


Is it possible to correctly express the life time element_ref



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