Why do these print () calls appear in the wrong order?


import sys

def f ():
    print('f', end = '')

def g ():
    1 / 0

    print('toplevel', file = sys.stderr)


Python session:

Python 3.4.2 (v3.4.2:ab2c023a9432, Oct  6 2014, 22:16:31) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AM
D64)] on win32
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>>> import weird


Why does "toplevel" print before "f"?

This does not happen if end = ''

or file = sys.stderr



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1 answer

Because stdout and stderr are strings. They buffer characters and only hide when you have a full string.

By setting end=''

, you make sure there is no full line and the buffer does not flush longer when the interactive Python interpreter outputs >>>

and explicitly flushes the buffer.

If you delete file=sys.stderr

, you are back to again sys.stdout

, and you typed toplevel\n

as print()

, adding a new line, thereby flushing the buffer sys.stdout


You can explicitly force a reset by setting an argument flush=True

to a function print()

(Python 3.3 and up) or by calling sys.stdout.flush()




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