Angular JS Unknown Provider Error

I am getting this error in my angular js application and cannot figure out what is causing the problem. This seems to be a common problem, but all of my problems didn't help. If anyone can point out what the problem might be, that would be appreciated. Thank:)

Error: [$ injector: unpr] Unknown provider: ResultsServiceProvider <- ResultsService <- ResultsController

Here is my code:


   angular.module('resultsApp', ['ngRoute', 'nvd3', 'ngResource'])
   .config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
       $routeProvider.when('/results', {
       controller: 'ResultsController',
        templateUrl: 'app/results/Results.html'



          .controller('ResultsController', ResultsController);

   function ResultsController($scope, ResultsService) {
      $scope.teams = [{teamA: ''}, {teamB: ''}];
      $scope.premResults = [];

      $scope.searchByTeams = function () {
      ResultsService.getResultsList($scope.teams.teamA,$scope.teams.teamB,   function (res) {
      $scope.premResults = res;



.service('ResultsService', ResultsService);

    function ResultsService(ResultFactory) {

        this.getResultsList = getResultsList;

        function getResultsList(teamA, teamB, callback) {
            return ResultFactory.get({teamA: teamA, teamB: teamB}, callback);



    .factory('ResultFactory', ResultFactory);

function ResultFactory($resource) {
    return $resource('api/results', {}, {
        get: {method: 'get', isArray: true}



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1 answer

If you have an error like this:

Error: [$ injector: unpr] Unknown provider: ResultsServiceProvider <- ResultsService <- ResultsController

This usually means one of the following things:

  • When you create (declare) you either run the nameResultsService

  • Or you have n't added a script tag pointing to the file containing the service in your index.html

  • Or you created a service in a specific module other than the main application module, but forgot to list that module as one of your application dependencies (for example angular.module('myApp', ['moduleWithService']);


Therefore, when debugging these kinds of errors, you should always start by checking these three things.



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