Ordering ActiveRecord Relationship over column temporary field in Rails

I need to order a query of Profile

records in an object ActiveRecord::Relation

by value that is calculated at runtime.

I created and assigned a temporary column distance

in my controller for an object Relation

using attr_accessor

this way:

@profiles.each do |p|
  p.class_eval do
   attr_accessor :distance

@profiles.each do |p|
  p.distance = distance_arr[@profiles.index(p)]  # Distance values obtained from an instance array


However, when I try to order Relation

using the order method, I get an error no such column: distance

i.e. not raising the temporary field.

This is how I tried to order it in my controller (note that I am using a gem will_paginate

, but it doesn't matter).

@profiles = @profiles.order('distance ASC').paginate(page: params[:page])



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1 answer

You have added a distance attribute to profile instances. So the distance stuff is in ruby ​​and sql doesn't know anything about it. Since you are calculating distances in ruby, you need to order them in ruby. You can use the sort_by method.

@profiles.sort_by{|p| p.distance}


Alternatively, you can push calculating distance in sql. Something like the following

@profiles = Profile.select('*, 10 as distance').order('distance')


Here you can see that the computed distance column has been added to the selection, which tells the active record that the query has changed.



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