JQuery for duplicate tabs

I am trying to create tabs in jquery and was successful. However, there is one problem that I cannot solve and that is the duplicate tabs.

With one tab, jquery works fine, but when I copy and paste that tab, it doesn't work correctly. I added some extra code to find the tab currently in use using the closest function, but still no result.

Take a look at the code.


<div class="tabsContainer">
    <ul class="tabs-nav">
            <a href="#tab1" class="active">Tab One</a>

            <a href="#tab2">Tab Two</a>

            <a href="#tab3">Tab Three</a>
    <section class="tabs-content">
       <div class="tabs active" id="tab1">
            This is tab 1<br />
            This is tab 1<br />
            This is tab 1<br />

        <div class="tabs" id="tab2">
            This is tab 2<br />
            This is tab 2<br />
            This is tab 2<br />

        <div class="tabs" id="tab3">
            This is tab 3<br />
            This is tab 3<br />
            This is tab 3<br />

//2nd tab
<div class="tabsContainer">
    <ul class="tabs-nav">
            <a href="#tab1" class="active">Tab One</a>

            <a href="#tab2">Tab Two</a>

            <a href="#tab3">Tab Three</a>
    <section class="tabs-content">
        <div class="tabs active" id="tab1">
            This is tab 1<br />
            This is tab 1<br />
            This is tab 1<br />

        <div class="tabs" id="tab2">
            This is tab 2<br />
            This is tab 2<br />
            This is tab 2<br />

        <div class="tabs" id="tab3">
            This is tab 3<br />
            This is tab 3<br />
            This is tab 3<br />



CSS code

.tabs-nav li {
    display: inline-block;
    background: #34495E;
    border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: #34495E;
    margin-right: 5px;
.tabs-nav li a {
    display: block;
    padding: 10px 15px;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #fff;
.tabs-nav li a.active {
    background: #FFF;

.tabs-nav li a.active {
    color: inherit;
.tabs-content {
    border: 1px solid #34495E;
    padding: 10px;
    background: #FFF;
    margin-top: -1px;
.tabs-content .tabs{
    margin:0 0 30px;
.tabs-content .tabs.active{



$(function() {

    //listeing for click events
    $('.tabsContainer .tabs-nav li a').on('click', function(){

        //if more than 1 tab find out which tab you are currently in using the closest function
        //by clicking on the a tag it will find which container it is a part of.
        var $tab = $(this).closest('.tabsContainer'); 

        $tab.find('.tabs-nav li a.active').removeClass('active');
        //grabbing the tab which is clicked using the attribute "href"
        var currentClick = $(this).attr('href');

        //hiding the current panel
        //using a call back function. What this does is wait for the slideup to finish and then it will excute the call back function
        $tab.find('.tabs-content .tabs.active').slideUp(300, nextTab);

        //the call back function to show the new tab
        function nextTab(){
            $(currentClick).slideDown(300, function(){



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2 answers

Yours $(currentClick)

will select items starting with body

, since you won't specify a parent area. Therefore, if the value currentClick

is equal #tab1

, the selection result is obtained from the first tab and not from the current parent a


I prefer to wrap the tab handling in each tab area. Example:

$('.tabContainer').each(function() {
    var tab = $(this);
    // Do the tab processing here.


See JSFiddle sample .



I figured out the problem, rookie made a mistake in html. In both tab containers, I have not changed the href tag. In the 1st tab container, these are # tab1, # tab2, # tab3. This is the same in the second container that was causing the problem, the tab numbering should be different. This is why tabs don't work as expected.

@Nanang Mahdaen El-Agu Thanks for your code, I learned something new with your help :)



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