How do I write a json file in a specific format?

I am almost done with my program, it loads perfectly, but one problem I am facing is when I edit the json file through my program, I cannot reload the json file, because when I save the file the formatting becomes different.

So my question is, how do I format a json file in the same way I read it?

Here's my method for writing a new json file.

    public static boolean write(File npcDefFile) {
    try {
        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(npcDefFile);
        Throwable localThrowable3 = null;
        try {
            Gson gson = new Gson();
            String json = gson.toJson(NPCDefinitions.getNPCDefinitions());
        } catch (Throwable localThrowable1) {
            localThrowable3 = localThrowable1;
            throw localThrowable1;
        } finally {
            if (writer != null) {
                if (localThrowable3 != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Throwable localThrowable2) {
                } else {
    } catch (NullPointerException | IOException e) {
        return false;
    return true;


Here's the correct format (3 spaces)

    "id": 0,
    "name": "Hans",
    "examine": "Servant of the Duke of Lumbridge.",
    "combat": 0,
    "size": 1,
    "attackable": false,
    "aggressive": false,
    "retreats": false,
    "poisonous": false,
    "respawn": 10,
    "maxHit": 0,
    "hitpoints": 0,
    "attackSpeed": 7,
    "attackAnim": 0,
    "defenceAnim": 0,
    "deathAnim": 0,
    "attackBonus": 0,
    "defenceMelee": 0,
    "defenceRange": 0,
    "defenceMage": 0
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Man",
    "examine": "One of Wildy many citizens.",
    "combat": 2,
    "size": 1,
    "attackable": true,
    "aggressive": false,
    "retreats": true,
    "poisonous": false,
    "respawn": 10,
    "maxHit": 1,
    "hitpoints": 7,
    "attackSpeed": 7,
    "attackAnim": 422,
    "defenceAnim": 1834,
    "deathAnim": 836,
    "attackBonus": 9,
    "defenceMelee": 9,
    "defenceRange": 9,
    "defenceMage": 0


Here's the format after saving the file to a new json file. (Compact)

[{"id":0,"name":"Hans","examine":"Servant of the Duke of               Lumbridge.","combat":0,"size":1,"attackable":false,"aggressive":false,"retreats":false,"poisonous":false,"respawn":10,"maxhit":0,"hp":0,"attackspeed":7,"attackanim":0,"defenceanim":0,"deathanim":0,"attackbonus":0,"defencemelee":0,"defencerange":0,"defencemage":0},{"id":1,"name":"Man","examine":"One of Wildy\u0027s many citizens.","combat":2,"size":1,"attackable":true,"aggressive":false,"retreats":true,"poisonous":false,"respawn":10,"maxhit":1,"hp":7,"attackspeed":7,"attackanim":422,"defenceanim":1834,"deathanim":836,"attackbonus":9,"defencemelee":9,"defencerange":9,"defencemage":0}]


This is how I load the json file.

 * A dynamic method that allows the user to read and modify the parsed data.
 * @param reader
 *            the reader for retrieving the parsed data.
 * @param builder
 *            the builder for retrieving the parsed data.
public abstract void load(JsonObject reader, Gson builder);

 * Loads the parsed data. How the data is loaded is defined by
 * {@link JsonLoader#load(JsonObject, Gson)}.
 * @return the loader instance, for chaining.
public final JsonLoader load() {
    try (FileReader in = new FileReader(Paths.get(path).toFile())) {
        JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
        JsonArray array = (JsonArray) parser.parse(in);
        Gson builder = new GsonBuilder().create();

        for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
            JsonObject reader = (JsonObject) array.get(i);
            load(reader, builder);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return this;


Any help would be appreciated.


Here's the exception that was caught.

at NpcDefinitionLoader.load(
at JsonLoader.load(
at NPCDefinitions.loadNPCDefinitions(
at DefinitionEditor.loadFile(
at DefinitionEditor.loadButtonActionPerformed(
at DefinitionEditor.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased


Here is the first line an error occurred

int maxHit = reader.get("maxHit").getAsInt();


Second line error

load(reader, builder);



source to share

1 answer

JSON object keys are stored in lowercase. JSON is case sensitive.

In a compact file, it has maxhit instead of maxHit . Check NpcDefinitions to see how this field / property is declared.

Pretty JSON printing with Gson can be done using Gson.toJson (JsonElement, JsonWriter). There's a good example of indentation in the docs:



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