How to enter quote characters in C # 6.0 string interpolations


IDictionary<string, string> x;


earlier you could do (as example code for a parameter having quotation marks):

string.Format("{0}", x["y"]);


What is the correct way to format C # 6.0 string interpolation?

$"{x["y"]}"   // compiler error due to the quotes on the indexer value
              // UPDATE:  actually does work, must have had another typo I missed


Clearing quotes like



does not work and does

 var b = "y";


seems uncomfortable.


source to share

1 answer

This works for me:

var dictionary= new Dictionary<string, string>();
dictionary.Add("x","value of x");
Console.WriteLine($"x is {dictionary["x"]}");


Make sure your project is set to use version 6.0 of the C # language level (this is the default option on VS2015).

Edit: you can also try here . (make sure you check "C # 6.0 Beta").



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