Clicking on the link does not reload the controller

I have an Ionic app where I want the controller to reload whenever the user visits a tab. I have the following link here ...

<ion-tab icon-off="ion-ios-person-outline" icon-on="ion-ios-person" ui-sref="tab.profile({reload: true})">
  <ion-nav-view name="tab-profile"></ion-nav-view>


If I go to the tab once, the controller loads (obviously). If I leave the page and click that link again, the page does not reload. The way I am detecting this page reload is by pasting console.log

in the controller file.


.controller('ProfileController', profileController)

profileController.$inject = [];

function profileController(  ) {
  var vm = this;


How do I reload the controller every time the user clicks on a link?


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2 answers

You must use transitionTo

to reload the controller and route.


<ion-tab icon-off="ion-ios-person-outline" icon-on="ion-ios-person" ng-click="vm.redirect('tab.profile')">
  <ion-nav-view name="tab-profile"></ion-nav-view>



vm.redirect = function(stateName){
   $state.transitionTo(stateName, {} , {
      reload: true,
      inherit: false,
      notify: true



Although it was not associated with angular-ui-router

it specifically ionic-view

, they get cached by default. You need to disable stateful caching just by checking cache: false



.state('tab.profile', {
    url: '/profile',
    views: {
        'tab-profile': {
            templateUrl: 'templates/tabs/profile.html',
            controller: 'ProfileController as profile',
            reload: true
    cache: false


There are also two alternative ways to achieve this, you can find it in this answer with a better explanation given by me alone



So, I think what you really want to do is not use the cache. This means that in your condition you need to install cache: false

. To be clear, the controllers are not "reloaded". The scope is just removed and added again when you return to the page, unless you set the cache to false.

I don't think there is necessarily a better approach. I would use events in the navigation lifecycle and set up a handler for the $ionicView.loaded

. Detailed information on the event can be found in ion-view in the document under: View Lifecycle and Events.



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