PHP creates multidimensional associative array from key names in a parenthesized string

I have a string with a variable number of key names in parentheses, for example:

$str = '[key][subkey][otherkey]';


I need to create a multidimensional array with the same keys presented in a string ( $value

- it's just a string value, not relevant here):

$arr = [ 'key' => [ 'subkey' => [ 'otherkey' => $value ] ] ];


Or, if you prefer this other notation:

$arr['key']['subkey']['otherkey'] = $value;


Ideally, I would like to add array keys as with strings, but this is not possible as far as I know. I don't think it array_push()

can help here. At first I thought I could use a regex to grab the bracketed values ​​from my string:

preg_match_all( '/\[([^\]]*)\]/', $str, $has_keys, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );


But I just would have a non-associative array without some kind of hierarchy, it's useless for me.

So, I came up with something like this:

$str = '[key][subkey][otherkey]';
$value = 'my_value';
$arr = [];

preg_match_all( '/\[([^\]]*)\]/', $str, $has_keys, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );

if ( isset( $has_keys[1] ) ) {

  $keys = $has_keys[1];
  $k = count( $keys );
  if ( $k > 1 ) {
    for ( $i=0; $i<$k-1; $i++ ) {
      $arr[$keys[$i]] = walk_keys( $keys, $i+1, $value );
  } else {
    $arr[$keys[0]] = $value;

  $arr = array_slice( $arr, 0, 1 );



function walk_keys( $keys, $i, $value ) {
  $a = '';
  if ( isset( $keys[$i+1] ) ) {
     $a[$keys[$i]] = walk_keys( $keys, $i+1, $value );
  } else { 
     $a[$keys[$i]] = $value;
  return $a;


Now this one "works" (also if the string has a different number of "keys"), but it looks ugly and complicated to me. Is there a better way to do this?


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2 answers

I'm always worried when I see preg_ * and such a simple template to work with. I would probably go with something like this if you are sure of the $ str format


// initialize variables
$str = '[key][subkey][otherkey]';
$val = 'my value';
$arr = [];

// Get the keys we want to assign
$keys = explode('][', trim($str, '[]'));

// Get a reference to where we start
$curr = &$arr;

// Loops over keys
foreach($keys as $key) {
   // get the reference for this key
   $curr = &$curr[$key];

// Assign the value to our last reference
$curr = $val;

// visualize the output, so we know its right




I came up with a simple loop using : array_combine()

$in = '[key][subkey][otherkey][subotherkey][foo]';
$value = 'works';

$output = [];
if(preg_match_all('~\[(.*?)\]~s', $in, $m)) { // Check if we got a match
    $n_matches = count($m[1]); // Count them
    $tmp = $value;
    for($i = $n_matches - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { // Loop through them in reverse order
        $tmp = array_combine([$m[1][$i]], [$tmp]); // put $m[1][$i] as key and $tmp as value
    $output = $tmp;
} else {
    echo 'no matches';




    [key] => Array
            [subkey] => Array
                    [otherkey] => Array
                            [subotherkey] => Array
                                    [foo] => works









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