Why aren't the closed subsets of polymorphic variant types checked over a superset?

The variant is [`A | `B]

not compatible with the supernet type, for example[`A | `B | `C]

I understand that they cannot be unified if subset or <

not added >

, but I am wondering if there is an example where accepting this type of input could result in incorrect programs.

In a very simplified use:

let return_a : bool -> [ `A ] = fun _ -> `A

let foo : bool -> [ `A | `B ] = return_a


It seems perfectly safe to accept an implementation, since the declared type foo

is a strict superset of the implementation type (which is the type return_a

). However (as expected) it will not introduce validation:

Error: This expression has type bool -> [ `A ]
but an expression was expected of type bool -> [ `A | `B ]
The first variant type does not allow tag(s) `B


It actually looks like a more restrictive type than

let return_a : bool -> [ `A ] = fun _ -> `A

let foo : bool -> [< `A | `B ] = return_a


What type checking does.

Is this limitation on the use of polymorphic variants just a limitation of how type inference works, or is there a practical reason for marking the first chunk as unassigned?


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1 answer

Type [`A | `B]

is a subtype [`A | `B | `C]

. OCaml supports subtyping, but it must be explicit.

# type abc = [`A | `B | `C];;
type abc = [ `A | `B | `C ]
# type ab = [`A | `B];;
type ab = [ `A | `B ]
# let f (x: abc) = 14;;
val f : abc -> int = <fun>
# let (x: ab) = `A;;
val x : ab = `A
# f x;;
Error: This expression has type ab but an expression was expected of type abc      
       The first variant type does not allow tag(s) `C
# f (x :> abc);;
- : int = 14




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