What's the spec for msFullscreenEnabled

MDN the following to say about fullscreenEnabled:

The attribute fullscreenEnabled

indicates whether the given document is currently in a state that will allow full screen mode requests.

I guess what this means: the property is executed whenever a full screen is requested.

Microsoft has almost identical wording about it here :

Returns true

if the document allows items to be displayed in full screen mode. Otherwise, it returns false


However, on the MSDN page about properties , the following is conflicting information:

A flag indicating whether the element is currently in full screen mode.


Since this property only returns true when the element is in full screen mode, it should not be used for feature detection.

What's connected with this?


My tests show that the property msFullscreenEnabled

in IE 11 does give false negatives.


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1 answer

You should understand that each browser has its own implementation fullscreenEnabled


Since the W3C Fullscreen specification is not final, most browsers vendor prefix the API. It is a good idea to have one function that asks for fullscreen for all prefixes.

However, somewhere along the way, the W3 Fullscreen API document (November 18, 2014) was discontinued in favor of the WHATWG's work on the Fullscreen API specification - current.

Internet Explorer didn't implement it until version 11. In IE11, it was in its experimental stage (called msFullscreenEnabled

). Microsoft Edge onwards choose a name with a name fullscreenEnabled

. False negatives for msFullscreenEnabled

those in the experimental stage shouldn't come as a surprise.

Mozilla Firefox fullscreenEnabled is also experimental. It's enabled by default after Firefox 10. The syntax really is mozFullScreenEnabled

. Same principle for webkit



definition :

Tells if full screen mode is available. Fullscreen is only available for a page that has no plugin windows in any of its documents, and if all elements that contain the document have the allowfullscreen attribute set.

which is in line with the current Fullscreen API specifications that it mentions :


Returns true if the document has the ability to display items in full screen and full screen mode, or false otherwise.

My guess is MS followed by a discontinued version of the W3C fullscreen api doc, which changed at some point and resulted in a different spec from the current working api. The fact that I only found a link to the discontinued W3C documentation on the Fullscreen API documentation for Microsoft seems to support this.

I believe that what was mentioned in Microsoft's Fullscreen API Documentation will be updated to the fullscreenenabled property description . But I haven't got my hands on the Edge browser yet, but I can't tell for sure if this is the spec the wrong way or the implementation.

You can also see the background / the need for full API-Interface HTML 5 here and API browser support here .


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