Excluding certain directories gulp-inject

Ignore bower_components

when included css

and javascript


gulp.task('files', function(){
    var target = gulp.src("./client/index.html");
    var sources = gulp.src(["./client/**/*.js", "./client/**/*.css"], {read: false});



I don't want to include client/bower_components

in my index.html? Is there a way to specify which files to include in mine sources




source to share

2 answers

Exclude bower_components

as follows.

var sources = gulp.src(["!./client/bower_components/**/*"
                 "./client/**/*.js", "./client/**/*.css"], {read: false});




I believe order matters. For example, let's say I have a folder tests

inside my folder client

where all client code lives. I don't want to include my specs in the index.html

one I generate.

I originally had

var sources = gulp.src([
    '!./client/tests/**/*', // exclude the specs up front, didn't work
    './client/**/*.js', // conflicts with the tests exclusion   
], {read: false});


but it was still injecting specs into my html! The problem was when I was telling gulp to include all client

folders AFTER I said to exclude one of the folders client

. So I just had to put the excluded folder at the end to fix the problem.

var sources = gulp.src([
    '!./client/tests/**/*' // exclude the specs at the end, works!
], {read: false});




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