How to lock and unlock a mutex for a specific condition in an if-else ladder?

In a member function of a class running on a thread, I want to protect access to some shared resources in an if-else ladder like the following.

if (condition)
// the mutex lock should be here
else if (specific condition)
// the mutex unlock should be here
else ...


I want to make the blocking above because without accessing a shared resource for evaluation specific condition

, I don't get / use it anywhere, and all the operations performed by each if / else block take quite a long time to complete, don't want to block another thread's access to that shared resource.

I know about brackets and mutexes, but I can't think of how it can be used in this situation. Question:

With a mutex lock / unlock operator, or even a locked lock, how to achieve a lock / unlock in a specific state on the if-else ladder?

Also I'm looking to find this solution from a C ++ perspective (maybe 03) (or, for that matter, not from languages ​​like Java with implicit support for mutex and synchronized blocks). Thanks in advance for your help.


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1 answer

Complete the condition in the function that does the blocking:

bool condition() {
    bool result = ...
    return result;


then in your code just use

if () {
} else if (condition(...)) {




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