Slick Database Actinism 3.0.0

I started using Slick 3.0.0 and I like the concise syntax. However, I have not been able to find a way to use it in database agnostic mode.

In the following example provided in the documentation:

I would like to somehow disable this used database code and avoid importing the specific database in my code (i.e. slick.driver.H2Driver.api._


I tried to get rid of it by providing a connection using the cake pattern, but the ".result" member is not available.

A workaround would be to import slick.driver.JdbcDriver.api._

, but it is deprecated and therefore shouldn't be a good starting point.

Has anyone found a way to use Slick 3.0.0 in database agnostic and elegant way?

This question is just around the corner, " How do I write a database aggregation application and do the initial database initialization? ", But this question focuses on Slick 3.0 +0.0. Unfortunately, the answers provided with this previous question do not target Slick 3.0.0 other than those using legacy code.


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1 answer

The smooth driver class you are looking for is slick.driver.JdbcProfile


There is an official example of the project slick-multidb

, which you can get via activator ( github ). Here's the relevant code:

import scala.language.higherKinds
import slick.driver.JdbcProfile

/** All database code goes into the DAO (data access object) class which
  * is parameterized by a Slick driver that implements JdbcProfile.
class DAO(val driver: JdbcProfile) {
  // Import the Scala API from the driver
  import driver.api._

  class Props(tag: Tag) extends Table[(String, String)](tag, "PROPS") {
    def key = column[String]("KEY", O.PrimaryKey)
    def value = column[String]("VALUE")
    def * = (key, value)
  val props = TableQuery[Props]

  /** Create the database schema */
  def create: DBIO[Unit] =

  /** Insert a key/value pair */
  def insert(k: String, v: String): DBIO[Int] =
    props += (k, v)

  /** Get the value for the given key */
  def get(k: String): DBIO[Option[String]] =
    (for(p <- props if p.key === k) yield p.value).result.headOption

  /** Get the first element for a Query from this DAO */
  def getFirst[M, U, C[_]](q: Query[M, U, C]): DBIO[U] =


Client code:

val dao = new DAO(H2Driver)
import dao.driver.api._"foo", "bar"))




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